Westville Public Schools Safe Return Plan 2021
ARP ESSER III Safe Return Plan
1. Universal and correct wearing of masks
Masks are optional until we are advised by the Local and State Health Department that we should be wearing masks. Staff and students will be required to wear masks correctly by ensuring the nose and mouth are covered.
2. Modifying Facilities for Social Distancing
District facilities will be modified where possible to ensure the CDC recommended distance of 3 feet to social distance. We will utilize working cohorts to minimize the amount of contact for students and staff.
3. Hand washing and respiratory etiquette
Proper hand washing and coughing etiquette will be implemented District wide to ensure proper hygiene practices.
4. Cleaning facilities
Westville schools will take the opportunity to use funds from ESSER III to properly ventilate our facilities. Thorough cleaning and disinfecting will be done daily in classrooms and hallways.
5. Contact Tracing
Westville Schools will work in conjunction with our State, Local and Cherokee Nation Health department to properly conduct contact tracing. Our school nurse is our main contact and responsible for making reports to health departments so that we may quarantine or isolate the proper people. We had a wonderful working relationship this past year with our local health department.
6. Diagnostic and Screening
Wilma Mankiller clinic and WW Hastings and our Adair county Health department will be the main sites for testing. We will continue to work in collaboration with our local groups to properly screen and diagnose possible Covid 19 infections.
7. Vaccination Efforts
We will continue to advise our staff and students to get vaccinated. Adair County Health Department held a county wide event for teachers to get vaccinated in the spring and we would provide a hosting spot for vaccinations if needed.
8. IDEA students
Westville Schools will continue to make every accommodation needed for students with disabilities. The safety and well being of every student and staff member is our top priority.
9. State and Local Health officials coordination
Westville schools will continue to work with the State, Local and Cherokee Nation Health departments to ensure we are adhering to all recommended policies and procedures.
10. Continuity of services
Westville Public Schools will maintain safe in person instruction as much as possible given the current situation. We will coordinate with our State and Local organizations and the CDC to maintain as normal a school year as possible. We are planning on hiring two more counselors to help our students and staff's social, emotional and mental health. We want to be proactive and make the return to a consistent schedule to help with these issues. We will keep mass cancellations to the very minimum to keep continuity with our schedule. Students need to be in school and we will work hard to make that happen as safely as possible. Food services and buses will be available if school is shut down. At this time every student has a device and we can work remotely if possible.