Top 5 sellers for the Midland Fundraiser are Kirah Sanchez, Raelynn Rhodes, Ellie Barton, McKenzie Ketcher, and Mason Beach. They each received an AMAZON gift card.
Community Thanksgiving
Casey's Classroom Grant
Thank you @Casey's!
6th grade has ben learning about biomes and the environment and made their own boxes representing a biome!
Winter Sports pictures upcoming.
2023-24 WHS Varsity Basketball Schedule
The start time for the 7th and 8th grade basketball games scheduled on Friday, November 10 has changed from 1:30 to 4:30.
Westville Varsity Cheer will compete this Saturday, Nov 11 in Moore High School.
Westville will be second in their division and begin at 1:50!
NHS Food Drive
Weekly Buzzzz
The JH Basketball games scheduled for Monday, Nov 6 have been canceled.
Veterans, please join us!!
Veteran and 1 guest receive lunch for free. Additional guest lunch, $3.
Daylight Savings Time Ends!
Please note: This is a position working for OPAA food service, at Westville School.
Please direct all questions to OPAA at the website provided below.
Westville Public School does not hire for this position, or answer inquiries.
Thank you.
Join us tonight for our celebration for Lights on Afterschool with a Halftime light show.
Angel Tree Application Information
Stocking Stuffer Drive!
Balfour Day Thursday Nov 9
November Dates to Remember
Students and staff enjoying the festivities!