The Homecoming parade will be postponed until Thursday, November 2nd. The weather forecast is showing storms entering the area close to the parade time. We don't want to take a chance on getting caught out in the storm.
The Homecoming Parade scheduled for tomorrow night will begin at 5:30 to beat the storms that have been forecasted. Lineup will be at 5. Thank you
Vizavance, formally known as Prevent Blindness Oklahoma, will be doing vision screening for PK-12th grade this year. Vision screenings will be on Monday, October 16th for PK-6th grades and Tuesday, October 17th for JH and HS. If you DO NOT want your child to be screened, please print the opt out form from the link below, sign and send it to school as soon as possible. I also have forms in my office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you.
Reminder that Yellowjacket St is one way heading North from 7:30-8:30 in the mornings and 2:45-3:30 in the afternoons. This is for everyone's safety and nobody is exempt. Thank you for your cooperation in their matter.
Update for the JH football game Monday, Sept. 11th, Locust Grove has requested that the 8th grade play first at 5:30. The 7th grade game will follow.
‼️ Extra, Extra, Exciting News Ahead ‼️
We are going to be offering tumbling with Russ Turner during our 21st CCLC afterschool program on Wednesdays!!
✴️Students must be enrolled in the afterschool program.
✴️Families are responsible for the monthly class fee.
More information in the flyers below! If you have any questions, please let us know!!
The JH football game against Locust Grove on September 11th at 5:30 will be a 7th grade game followed by an 8th grade game. There will not be a 9th/JV grade game that night.
Please be aware that the city is replacing Maple street just east of the Junior and Senior parking lot. It will be closed until Friday.
WoodmenLife Food Donation
No School Sept 4 & 5
Westville Elementary is in great need of substitute teachers. If interested, please fill out an application and submit it to the Central Office.
We have exciting things happening in our 21st Century Community Learning Center Extended Day program! Be sure to keep up with us on our web page or via Facebook! or
Weekly reminders..
Reminder, no school Friday Aug 25th. PD day for teachers.
The volleyball game today has been moved up to 3:30.
Welcome back!
Parents of 7th grade students, we would like to invite you to our welcome to 7th grade meeting at 5:00pm, Tuesday, August 8th during Meet the Teacher. It will be held in the auditorium. We look forward to seeing you and your children.
Gates Scholarship Information is now available.
Cherokee Nation Student Assistance
Just a quick reminder, if your child is coming into 7th grade this year the state requires them to have the TDAP vaccine or a signed exemption form on file with our nurse. Please make sure they are up-to-date on their shots before the beginning of school. Thank you.