Please read our Student Investment Plan announcement:
almost 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Congratulations to our Junior High Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Whitney Perry! Thank you for time and dedication you have for the students! Keep it up!
almost 2 years ago, Website Admin
Jr. High Teacher of Year
We want to honor our High School Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Angela Coleman! Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to the students!
almost 2 years ago, Website Admin
Highschool teacher of the year
Spring sports pictures will be tomorrow, March 20th. We will begin with Baseball pictures at 8:30.
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Cooper
Reminder: Monday-All 11th graders will go to an ACT prep workshop @NTC in Kansas. Load buses at 8:15 am. Return by 12:30 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Cooper
The Varsity soccer game with Gentry has been postponed to a later date if possible. Yellowjackets enjoy your Spring Break and be careful!
almost 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
We wanted to show our appreciation to the Elementary Teachers of the Year! Congradulations to Jenny Bailey and Emily Thompson! We think you ladies are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
almost 2 years ago, Website Admin
Elementary Teacher of the Year
Reminder: There will be no extended day this afternoon. Please contact the elementary office to make arrangements for your child.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Vaughan
No Extended Day
Due to a calendar conflict, the Talent Show is having to be moved one more time. The new date is March 27th but the times will remain the same.
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Cooper
The junior high and high school will not have tutoring Thursday after school so students and teachers can participate in the parent/teachers conference. Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Yeager
Congratulations to our upper elementary Spelling Bee winners. - 1st place, Ben Harp - 2nd place, Nathan Tran - 3rd place, Jerrica Vermeer We are proud of these kiddos! Ben will go on to compete at the regional Spelling Bee in Muskogee!
almost 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
three students holding ribbons
one student holding a 1st place ribbon
The date for the school talent show has been changed to Tuesday, March 28th, due to re-modeling in the auditorium. Times will remain the same.
almost 2 years ago, Shelly Cooper
Elementary parents, just a reminder to call the office to schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Website Admin
The 21st Century Extended Day Math Night will be March 9th from 5-7 pm in the Elementary Library. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
colorful flyer
The soccer game for today has been postponed.
almost 2 years ago, Staci Heustis
The Talent Show will be Wednesday, March 8 in the Auditorium. Elementary starts at 9 a.m. and Jr. High & Highschool at 1 p.m.. Admission is $1. Entry forms and music (if required) are due Monday, March 6.
almost 2 years ago, Website Admin
Talent Show
Let's Go Jackets! Get your tickets here for the Thursday, March 2 basketball game! When purchasing the tickets, make sure to get the 1:30 p.m. Verdigris tickets. This will let you in to the 3:00 p.m. game.
almost 2 years ago, Website Admin
Thursday March 2 3A Basketball Game
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held March 6th-March 9th in the High School Library. Tuesday, March 7th will be Grandparent's Morning from 8:30-9:30. Please check into the office before coming to the book fair. Thursday evening March 9th Family Night 4-7:30 during Parent Teacher Conferences. Please note we are now required by Scholastic to add sales tax to every order. We accept checks, credit cards or cash. You may also set up an ewallet through Scholastic where you can add money to your child's account. You may also shop online.
almost 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
flyer about book fair
I will apologize for all of the messages this evening but I want to clear up some issues that were brought up in my last post. Westville Public Schools is in desperate need for subs, bus drivers, cafeteria and janitors and that's only part of the story. Our last PD day was on Presidents Day and so we are going to take the morning of both days to meet with staff about the changes and updates to our safety procedures. We are going to train on the RAVE app which would've been helpful in the last incident. We are going to talk about shelter in place and those procedures. Teachers and staff will be at work those days and have to take leave to attend the ball games. We will have many students and staff attending and it would be very hard to cover all classes. We did this two years ago but did not have to take Distance Learning days last year because we played in the night session. So we are taking advantage of the time without students to make our school safer and better. We do know it's a hardship on elementary families and I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. These decisions are not made without thought and discussion. So if you want to help or know of someone for any of those jobs I mentioned above, we are taking applications. Once again I'm sorry for all of the messages but I wanted to provide the entire story not just part of it. Thank you, Terry Heustis
almost 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Apologies the correct dates are March 2 & 3.
almost 2 years ago, Terry Heustis