Quick reminder: If your junior high or high school child is attending virtually please return a signed copy of the virtual policy to the office as soon as possible. We must have a copy of this policy on file if they wish to continue virtually. Thank you very much.
The junior high games have been cancelled tonight, January 11th, as a precaution to a possible covid case. Sorry for the inconvenience we will plan to reschedule the games for a later date.
Westville Public Schools has a calendar change for PD day on Monday, January 18th. PD is being moved to Friday, January 22nd. School will be in session on Monday, January 18th. This will allow for a more consistent schedule for students and parents. Fridays are still Distance Learning Days at this time.
Westville Schools plans on being In-person learning on Monday, January 11th. We took this week to make sure we had enough staff after the break to have In-person learning. All grades will be in session buses will be running on Monday! Thank you for your patience and understanding
Students, Distance Learning classes began on Monday, January 4th. If you have not accepted your google classroom invitations or communicated with your teachers, please do so as soon as possible.
The seventh and eighth grade boys basketball teams will be practicing during their regular class time, which is between 11:00 and 12:15.
Alternative Education students are meeting this week as normal.
If you are interested in participating in a spring sport this year, now is the time to sign-up. Please email the respective coach to let them know that you will be planning on playing this season.
Girls slow pitch softball - Coach Girdner mgirdner@westville.k12.ok.us
Boys baseball - Coach Clark jclark@westville.k12.ok.us
Boys or girls soccer - Coach Stafford lstafford@westville.k12.ok.us
Quick reminder. If your child is in junior high or high school and you would like for them to attend virtually this semester, please make plans to attend one of the two meetings for parents of virtual students this week. They will be held Wednesday, January 6th at 9am and Thursday, January 7th at 4pm. If you are not able to attend please contact the office and make arrangements to meet with your child's principal.
Happy New Year! Due to the number of cases in our county and school district we will start school on Monday, January 4 in Distance Learning for everyone. We will continue the rest of the week in Distance
learning but teachers will be at school. Please contact your teacher if you have any issues.
We have posted an important letter for parents of 7-12 grade virtual students. It can be found here: https://www.westville.k12.ok.us/article/369287
Westville Public Schools will be canceling school on Friday, December 18th due to the number of positive cases and quarantined staff members. Alt Ed will be in session today and Thursday. The staff was hit especially hard in the past 24 hours. Have a safe and Merry Christmas!!!
Westville Public Schools will finish the week in Distance Learning for all grade levels. We have had several employees test positive and want to limit exposure as much as possible. Students need to finish assignments and need to check in to finish this semester. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.
Westville Schools will be in Distance Learning for Tuesday, December 15. Please stay safe and log in for class assignments. Alt Ed will canceled on Tuesday.
The Varsity Basketball game with Keys for Tuesday night will be postponed until a later date.
Westville Public Schools will be canceled on Monday, December 14. No Distance Learning. Enjoy the snow!
Westville Schools will continue in the JH and HS 7-12 with only students that have a D or F will be required to attend in Person. The elementary PK-6 all students are required to attend except students that are full time virtual. Friday December 11 will be virtual for everyone.
Elementary Virtual Students- School Picture Proofs are available to be picked up in the Elementary Office during school hours. Proofs are due back by December 17th.
Update to attendance. Students in Grades 7-12 with a D or a F in a class are required to attend In-person learning. Students with C or better can attend but are not required. Students must keep up with work assigned if not attending classes.
The JH basketball game with Kansas has been canceled.