7-12 football practicing tomorrow (Wednesday) from 2:15PM-5:00PM.
There was a typo in the previous message. The varsity practice time for tonight (8/7) is 6:45 to 9:30. The coach who made the typo will run some laps to make up for his error. ;)
High school football practice has been extended tonight from 4:45-9:30PM. 8/7/2017
We will be having an all staff meeting this morning in the auditorium.
Westville Football Coaches are having another pee wee football camp tomorrow Friday August 4th. All grades including 1st and 2nd welcome.
Westville Schools Public Auction - August 12th at 10:00 a.m. Since we have moved to a bus leasing program, we will be selling our fleet of school buses and more. To view the auction items, visit http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/auctionview.cgi?lid=2954179
Westville Youth Football is needing third grade football players to make a full team. Please contact Dan Jacob 918-575-2878
Lil' Stingers Football Camp this week - More info available on school site under NEWS at www.westville.k12.ok.us
JH and Varsity Football schedules are posted at http://www.westville.k12.ok.us/o/district/browse/12413 We will upload the other schedules when we get them.
For any girl going into 7th or 8th grade who is interested in playing softball, we will have our first practice on July 31st from 10:30am-11:45am at the high school softball field.
Junior High Football 3rd quarter will begin at 7:30 pm tomorrow night based on the heat index.
Westville Gun's and Hose's Blood Drive will be held on Tuesday, July 25th from 2 pm until 6:45 pm at the Westville Community Center.
Use the link provided to access the Yellowjacket Football newsletter. This letter includes information for students in grades 7-12 as well as our younger players. http://5il.co/1i9e
All Football players 7 thru 12 will workout tonight at 7 pm.
We are currently accepting applications for the School Nurse position. To apply, please visit https://westville.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
Maryann (in the central office) will be available today until 3:30 p.m. to print enrollment verification forms for the Cherokee Nation Clothing voucher day. On Wednesday, Jodi Simmons will be back in her office to print the proof of enrollment forms for those of you who need them.
We are currently accepting applications for a 4th grade teaching position. To apply, please visit https://westville.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
Summer workouts tonight at 4:30-6 pm for 7-9 and varsity 10-12 is 7-9 pm
Here is the July football schedule for workouts and activities. It will also be available on the school website at http://5il.co/1fly
Class Lists for the 2017-2018 school year are now available on the school website!