Next week we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Below are our dress up days!
over 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
Red background with red ribbon week
Reminder, Westville Public Schools will be on Distance learning on Thursday, October 20. This is to let our elementary teachers attend the reading training in Stilwell. We will be back to regular school on Friday, October 21.
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
IMPORTANT ELEMENTARY UPDATE: Starting Tuesday 10/18/22 the Elementary Office will not make any destination changes after 2:30pm. If you have any changes, please call the office before 2:30.
over 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
Parent Teacher conference will be from 4 pm until 8 pm on Tuesday, October 11 and 9 am until 11 am on Wednesday, October 12. No school for students Wednesday through Friday for fall break. Also a reminder if you haven’t filled out a lunch application or have had a change in income and may qualify for Free or reduced lunches, you can fill out an application in cafeteria secretary office. Prices for full price is 80 cents and $1.30, for reduced 30 cents and 40 cents.
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Reminder: There will NOT be Extended Day on Tuesday, October 11th due to Parent-Teacher Conferences. If your child attends Extended Day please call the office to let them know how they will get home.
over 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
Parents and Students this is your notice that we have Vape detectors set up around campus and they are currently in use. Last year we starting issuing tickets because it was a major problem. Consider this your warning and starting Monday, October 10 when the Vape detection sensor notifies the admin and you are caught you will be issued a ticket and possible suspension. We do not want Vaping in our school. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Parents and students, We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation at the previous home football game in adhering to our protocols. We would also like to clear up another subject on admission. Students of employee's in grades pk-6 are allowed in free but all students in grades 7-12 must have a swarm card to get in free, otherwise they must pay. Thank you for your support of our Westville Yellowjacket football team! Jacket Pride!
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Correction, the dates for Parent Teacher Conferences will be Tuesday, Oct 11th from 4pm-8pm and Wednesday, Oct 12th from 9am-11am. To schedule Elementary Conferences please call the Elementary Office at 918-723-3181. We will not be taking drop-ins.
over 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
Protocols for Varsity Football games: Students in grades pk-6 must be accompanied by an adult that is supervising them during the game. Students must sit with the accompanying adult. Students in grades 7-12 must sit in bleachers in student section or with supervising adults. No Footballs or playing tag behind the bleachers or in the end zones. NO standing behind the bleachers. Administration is on duty and may ask students to find supervising adults or call parents to be picked up. Safety and game courtesy to our fans that watch the football games is our priority! Thank you
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
The homecoming parade will be 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 29th followed by a pep assembly at the football field. Parade lineup will begin at 5:30 behind the gym.
over 2 years ago, Shelly Cooper
Help us show our school spirit!! Homecoming Dress-up days for September 26-30.
over 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
Spirit week September 26-30
Westville Elementary would like to invite your child’s grandparent(s) to Grandparent's Day 2022! We are excited to bring back Grandparent's Day! WHEN: Monday, September 12th beginning at 8:30 WHERE: Grandparents will need to check in with the elementary office and walk to the cafeteria. COST: FREE! Come join your grandchild for breakfast, silly pictures, and coloring! If you have any questions, contact your child’s teacher or Ashley Davis at or 918-723-3181
over 2 years ago, Westville Elementary
animated grandparents
If any family is in need of a hotpsot for the school year, please fill out the hotspot loan agreement that will be posted to the school website this afternoon. The oldest child in your family can bring the form, with the parent's signature to room 209 this Thursday and pick up the hotspot. If you don't feel comfortable with your child picking up the device, you may come to the central office and check out the device. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Ryan Swank
Reminder that Westville Schools will not be in session on Tuesday Sept 6 and will be Distance Learning on Friday, Sept 9. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Parents, we will be making a calendar change for Friday, September 9 and Thursday, October 20. We will be doing Distance Learning for those dates. Our entire elementary staff will be attending a Reading training that will benefit our students and reading capabilities for years to come. It’s a four day training but two of the dates are already scheduled for PD days. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this change.
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
The JH Football games have been rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday August 30. 7th grade @ 6:30 and 8th grade @ 7:15 at Locust Grove.
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
The JH football game with Locust Grove has been canceled tonight due to storms and lightning. The make up date and time will be announced shortly.
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
If a parent/guardian completes a free or reduced-price meal application in July or August 2022 and that meal application is approved for free or reduced-price meals, they will be eligible for Summer 2022 P-EBT benefits retroactively when pick-up files are sent to DHS in October. This will only apply to Summer 2022 benefits. If you have not turned in your application please do so by Wednesday.
over 2 years ago, Westville Public Schools
Election Day is tomorrow!!!! We have several elections in the run-off election that deserve a great voter turnout! The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is in the ballot plus our Oklahoma Senate District 4 race is on the ballot as well. We also have a US Representative and US Senate race that will be decided. Please do your research on the best possible candidate because it is very important. Get out and exercise your constitutional right to vote!
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis
Election Day is tomorrow!!!! We have several elections in the run-off election that deserve a great voter turnout! The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is in the ballot plus our Oklahoma Senate District 4 race is on the ballot as well. We also have a US Representative and US Senate race that will be decided. Please do your research on the best possible candidate because it is very important. Get out and exercise your constitutional right to vote!
over 2 years ago, Terry Heustis