Parents wishing to opt out students may turn in the form to the appropriate office for their student. Each student will need a form on file in their office. Parents must sign form. Here is the link to the form and you may print it off or pick one up.
Westville Schools will return to In-person learning for all students on Monday, September 13. We will be implementing a mask mandate for all students, staff and visitors in the building. While there is an opt out available, we would ask that you consider that we had no opt outs last year and had safe In-person instruction for the last half of the year. Masks work better when 100% participation is attained. Here is the link to the full letter from Superintendent Heustis.
Westville schools will continue Distance Learning for Sept 8, 9 and 10. We will come back to In-person instruction on Monday, September 13. If your student is having trouble please call the appropriate office to get help. Teachers will be at school Wednesday-Friday next week. Hots spots are available in the central office. Meals will maybe picked up from 10-11:30. Alt Ed will have regular schedule.
Westville Public Schools will be shifting the elementary to Distance Learning for Thursday and Friday 9/2 & 9/3. We have over 25% of students absent with several being sent home sick and several pending tests. We also have several staff in the same situation. Buses will not run but breakfast and lunch to go meals will be served from 10-11 am on the back doc office cafeteria. We will do deep cleaning and hot spots are still available to pick up. More information will be sent soon.
Here is a link to document from the Superintendent.
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, August 31 is school day pictures for elementary students.
Hotspots will be available for pick up tomorrow, August 31 from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Only one hotspot per family unless other arrangements are made.
Parents of 7th-12th grade students, during distance-learning next week we are expecting students to be up and engaged with their teachers by 8:05 each morning. Please make sure that they are checking-in with their teacher during the time they are scheduled for each class. The class times are listed below. If you do not have internet access and you are waiting on a hotspot, the teachers will work with your child to get them caught up when they gain internet access. Students will not be required to engage in the ICAP period at this time. Thank you 8:05-8:55(1st Period), 9:00-9:15 (ICAP), 9:20-10:10 (2nd Period), 10:15-11:05 (3rd Period), 11:10-12:00 (4th Period), 12:35-1:25 (5th Period), 1:30-2:20 (6th Period), 2:25-3:15 (7th period)
Parents and students, we are currently working on activating our Hot-spots so that we can get them handed out early next week. Please be patient and we will work with you to get the best possible option. We will send another message next week detailing when you may pick up the hot spots.
Reminder: Elementary School Picture Day is Tuesday, August 31st! The Photographers ask that the student NOT wear green.
This is a reminder to all people driving around the school from 7:30-8:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm that Yellowjacket St is one way going north and Collyge ST is one way going south. For the safety of kids please observe.
Parents of 7th-12th grade virtual students you can pick up your child’s chrome book in their appropriate office beginning today, August 19th. Parents of 5th and 6th grade virtual students need to pick up their child’s chrome book beginning next week by arrangement with the upper elementary principal. If you have not made an appointment to sign the virtual agreement with your child’s principal, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
Parents and staff we are proud to announce that we have partnered with Westville PD in having a School Resource Officer this year. We are happy to have Austin Vaughan join us.
Parents, while we do not have a mask mandate at school we are recommending students wear masks while in the buildings. We also need to make you aware that their is a mask mandate on the school bus because of federal regulations. Thank you!
Parents, the new starting times for Westville 7-12 are as follows. The first bell will ring at 8 am with the second bell at 8:05 the beginning of 1st hour. Students will be dropped off the bus at 7:50. Elementary students will go to classrooms and JH/HS may eat breakfast but will have a second chance breakfast also after 1st hour. End of school is still 3:15. We are adjusting our time to have an ICAP hour to help with requirements for SDE. Thank you
Parents, unlike years past the elementary, junior high and high school will be set up just outside of their respective offices to fill out paperwork for students in those grade levels. We also have construction going on so please do not drive through taped off areas. The best place to park would be on the west side of campus in the student parking. Thank you!
Westville Schools will be having Meet the Teacher on Monday, August 16 from 2-6 pm. We are asking all visitors please wear a mask in the building during the conference. We don’t want an outbreak before school starts on Wednesday. There will also be a community meeting in the auditorium about the ESSER 3 Funds at 7pm. We will be sharing ideas on how to spend the money including a construction project that can be used with these funds. Thank you
Reminder: Meet The Teacher will be Monday, August 16th from 2-6pm.
We can't wait to see you!!
Parents of 7th grade students if your child has not received their TDAP vaccine please make sure they do so as soon as possible. State law requires them to have this vaccine before they can attend 7th grade. Thank you
Just a quick reminder, if you are planning to enroll your child virtually we need you to fill out the quick survey attached to the link below. In order for your child to be accepted into the virtual program you will need to schedule a meeting with your building principal and sign the virtual school agreement.