Westville School community I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this very uncertain time. We are working on making plans for the next phase of our start up. We felt like the Purple - Gold schedule is a good way to open safely. We are surveying our staff today and will send out a survey for parents tomorrow. Our teachers and staff have been working very hard to make this startup as simple as possible. There have been set backs and unexpected delays and we want to apologize for those inconviences and misunderstandings. I would encourage you to reach out if you are having a problem or reach out if things are going well. A positvie message means alot in this trying time. But the main thing is to communicate with your students teacher and Principal and we can make things go better for you and your student. Reminder that we will not be in school on Monday, September 7 and Tuesday, September 8. More information will be sent out as soon as decisions are made. Thank you for your consideration. Jacket Pride!
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Distance Learning and Virtual meals will be served west of the Junior High Office due to the rain today.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Community, as emotions run high and the reality of dealing with this pandemic, please be respectful and compassionate to our fellow Yellowjackets. We came up with a plan to re-enter school in a graduated way to keep the risk level down for everyone involved. Our goal and plan is to work toward all students back to school 4 days per week and then safely transition to 5 days per week. That has always been the plan. We’ve just finished our first full week school. We will be meeting next week to discuss the timeline for pushing out our plans for the following weeks. We’ve had a few delays and issues arise and we’ve tried to adapt and overcome these issues. It’s a long time until our scheduled last day of May 19. Please be patient and kind and know that we are working very hard to educate your children. We don’t want to go backwards and have to shut down to all distance learning. We want our kids in school just as much as you do, but it must be safe for everyone. We will get there very soon. Today was the first time our county has been at the Orange level 1 since June. Thank you understanding during this very difficult time.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Schools will return to Purple-Gold schedule next week starting on Monday. Monday is Purple day, Tuesday- Gold, Wednesday -Purple, Thursday-Gold and Friday Distance Learning.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Varsity Football has been moved to Keys at 6pm on Friday. It will be a scrimmage. Fans are allowed to attend. Thanks for your patience in the ever changing world of Covid 19.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Public Schools made the decision yesterday after students were exposed to a confirmed positive case of Covid-19. In coordination with the Adair County Department of Health the decision was made to move to Distance Learning on the gold day because of the affected student(s). The district has suspended Cheer, Softball and Volleyball at this time. We will remain vigilant in our endeavor to keep our students safe and update the school community as these situations change daily. Our hope is to get every student to school everyday as soon as possibly safe. Thank you for your patience.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
We will be sending home food today and distributing food tomorrow from 9:30-11 on the back dock of cafeteria.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Schools will going to a distance learning day on Thursday, August 27th a Gold day. This is in coordination with the Adair County Health department due to possible contacts with a positive test result from Covid 19. This is out of an abundance of caution and being recommended by Health officials. We plan to return to Purple Day on Monday, August 31. If anything changes we will send out an update. Thank you for your cooperation in this trying and unpredictable time.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
The 2020-2021 District Calendar is now posted on the school webpage. It can be found here : https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/883739/2020-2021_school_calendar_-_YearlyCalendar.pdf
over 4 years ago, Miranda Snarr
School Calendar
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Schools announcement: please read the following statement from Superintendent Terry Heustis https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/my-drive
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Reminder we will begin our normal purple/gold schedule on Monday: Monday/Wednesday- Purple Tuesday/Thursday- Gold Friday- Virtual at home for all students
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
Elementary Parents- Devices for our Elementary students who are on the Purple/Gold Schedule will be distributed next week.
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
Morning and Afternoon, 21st Century Extended Day for grades PK-8, will begin Monday August 24. Enrollment forms for 21st Century need to be filled out before students can begin. Call the Elementary or Junior High Office to have a form sent home with your student.
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
Westville Schools will be serving meals for Virtual and off day students tomorrow from 10-10:30. Pick up spot is the Dairy Bar. There will be breakfast and lunch.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Volleyball will be hosting a game on Thursday night and we will allow fans with a masks mandated for fans.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville fans attending the football scrimmage at Jay on Thursday August 20th, are asked to please enter through the Southwest gate and sit on the visitors side with the fans from Vinita. Go Jackets!
over 4 years ago, Miranda Snarr
Elementary Parents if your student has any textbooks or readers from last school year that belong to the school, please send them with your student when they return. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
Students in grades 7-12: If you still have any textbooks or novels from last school year that belong to the school, you need to bring them with you when you return to school. You will need to take them directly to the teacher that checked them out to you. Eventually, if you do not return these items, you will be placed on the clerical list. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Miranda Snarr
Attention Parents and Students in the Junior High and High School: It's almost the first day of school! Tomorrow is the first day for purple students, and Friday is the first day for Gold students. When you arrive at school, you will go directly to the cafeteria and grab a to go breakfast. Then, proceed to the lobby in your building to get your schedule. After that, go directly to your HOMEROOM. Don't forget your mask!
over 4 years ago, Miranda Snarr
First Day of School