JH & HS schedules are ready. They can be accessed through the online gradebook or come by the JH, HS or Admin Complex offices to pick up a printed schedule. Schedule change requests need to be emailed to dmiggletto@westville.k12.ok.us for HS or jpruitt@westville.k12.ok.us for JH by Friday, August 28 @ 1 pm.
The Pick up for Virtual Learning Devices tomorrow Wednesday, August 19th for 3rd-6th is ONLY for students who have selected the Full Virtual Learning Plan. All other students will receive their devices when they start school. Only 1 adult and the student will be allowed in the classroom and masks are required.
Parents of PK-2nd students who have requested to attend virtually, will pick up devices Friday, August 28th. Teachers will call to set up an appointment.
3rd-6th Grade Information to pick up Virtual Learning Devices on Wednesday the 19th will be as follows.
3rd Grade- Mrs. Willis’ room #123 at 1:00
4th Grade- Mrs. Henderson’s room #127 at 9:30 or 1:30
5th Grade- Mrs. Newman’s room #708 from 10:00-11:00 or 1:00-2:00
6th Grade- Ms. Scraper’s room #703 at 10:00 or 1:00
Attention 7th-12th grade students: if you are choosing to use your own personal device (I.e. laptop, chrome book, etc.) for school this year, you need to bring it with you to school every day you attend.
Reminder: Elementary Parents don’t forget today Monday, August 18th Parents with last names staring with M-Z need to sign Returning Student Enrollment Packets in the Elementary Gym before 5pm. Masks are required and only 1 person from each family will be permitted.
Reminder to parents of 7th grade students who are planning to attend in person classes this year. We will have a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday the 18th at 3pm in the high school auditorium to prepare students for entering junior high. Please make plans to attend if possible. We are asking one parent and the student to attend. Remember to wear a mask and social distance. Thank you
Reminder: Elementary Parents don’t forget today Monday, August 17th Parents with last names staring with A-L need to sign Returning Student Enrollment Packers in the Elementary Gym before 5pm. Masks are required and only 1 person from each family will be permitted.
Parents of Elementary Students we are not able to have a Meet the Teacher Night this year but we still need to fill out the Returning Student Enrollment Packet for each student virtual and in-person. We will have all the paperwork and a Notary on hand to sign paperwork in the Elementary Gym on Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th from 9am-5pm. Parent/Guardian whose last name begins with A-L will enroll on Monday the 17th and M-Z will enroll on Tuesday the 18th. Only one Parent/Guardian from each family and a total of 20 people will be allowed in the Gym at a time.
Parents of junior high and high school students we are not able to have meet the teacher night this year but we still need to fill out the student information/enrollment packets for all students, virtual and in-person. We will have all the paperwork and a notary on hand to sign paperwork in the high school gym lobby on Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th from 9am to 5pm. Parent/Guardian whose last name begins with A-L will enroll on Monday the 17th and M-Z will enroll on Tuesday. One Parent/Guardian from each household will be allowed in the gym lobby, and a face mask is required.
Parents of 7th grade students who are planning to attend in person this year, please make plans to attend a quick meeting Tuesday the 18th at 3:00pm in the high school auditorium. We will be discussing first day procedures and other information to help your student transition to junior high. Keep social distancing in mind and please wear a mask. Thank you
Parents of junior high and high school students who have requested to attend virtually, we will be holding two meetings next week to discuss virtual school and hand out devices. The meetings will be at 10:00am Tuesday the 18th and 4:00pm Wednesday the 19th in the high school auditorium. Please make plans to attend one of these meetings. Keep social distancing in mind and please wear a mask. Thank you
Update: Our plan is ever changing, and with that in mind. Here are a few changes, Pre-K will start on August 20 or Aug 21 based on their day. To stay with less overall numbers on campus we are not allowing employees children attend on their off day. This will
help with small cohorts. This schedule allows us to start slowly and work our way up to all students at school. This is the safest way to return based on all of the recommendations and our unique campus with everyone using same cafeteria and other spaces. Our goal is to if our levels are safe to return the younger grades first. We will re-evaluate every two weeks. Our goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible and prevent outbreaks. Please be patient and understanding under this enormous undertaking. This is a trying time and very stressful for everyone involved so be kind to each other. We will get through this together.
Parents, we received lots of negative feedback the last few days over a procedure in our Return to Learn plan. As stated on our plan it is very fluid and ever changing and I will have updates this afternoon. We do take everyone’s thoughts and opinions seriously. Our number one goal is to get every student back in class safely everyday. Updates coming soon.
We need the parent/guardian to fill out the Student Device Agreement by going to the following link, https://forms.gle/7wuEqnxSRUucx59HA
Full time Virtual students in JH & HS were listed in the Purple and Gold list for future reference. They are still considered full time virtual and will not be attending school.
The schedule is as planned with Purple and Gold Days, Monday - Thursday and Friday will be all distance learning. Thursday, August 20 will be Purple and Friday, August 21 will be a Gold day. The following Monday, August 24 will start the Purple and Gold rotation. At this time we are not taking requests to change days unless it is from the same household.
The Board of Education acted on the recommendation from the Superintendent and Administration team to go alternate days for the first nine weeks of school. This will allow us to safely return to school and make contact with every student in a safe manner. I have attached the purple and gold list for JH and HS students and the elementary has posted the list on the website.
Purple day https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1idFr3z7G6gll1cBHGLwP58CBfRAcn6LuZDkjh4mMRtM/edit#gid=0
Gold Day
Elementary Class Lists for the 2020-2021 school year are now available on the school website!