Elementary Class Lists for the 2020-2021 school year are now available on the school website!
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
Parents of 7th grade students this is a quick reminder that all 7th grade students must have the TDAP vaccination before they can attend school on August 20th. Please make arrangements as soon as possible if your child has not received this vaccine. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Kevin Yeager
The softball game with Haskell has been postponed for tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Parents and Staff, our new Return to Learn plan is on the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RlL_XHoG0_oJNbWBSFJz1Q93CpfcrLzOnh7w98t4yzY/edit
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Parents of junior high and high school students if your child is taking virtual or in-person classes the final day to put in course requests will be Sunday, Aug. 9th. If you are unable to do this thru the online gradebook, email the counselor. JH: jpruitt@westville.k12.ok.us, HS: dusty.miggletto@westville.k12.ok.us; Course offerings for 9th-12th grades can be found at https://www.westville.k12.ok.us/o/district/page/enrollment-information--81 7th grade-https://forms.gle/7TCGjUCPDj1xbhGE9 8th grade-https://forms.gle/yXoefaqx6F4hU8SH8 Thank you
over 4 years ago, Kevin Yeager
The 2020 Volleyball Schedule is now available on the school website. You can find it by choosing Documents, then Athletics, and then 2020-2021 Schedules. Go Jackets!
over 4 years ago, Miranda Snarr
The final day to put in course requests will be Sunday, Aug. 9th. If students are unable to do this through the online gradebook, email the counselor. JH: jpruitt@westville.k12.ok.us, JH google form links: 7th grade-https://forms.gle/7TCGjUCPDj1xbhGE9 8th grade-https://forms.gle/Xoefaqx6F4hU8SH8 HS: dusty.miggletto@westville.k12.ok.us; Course offerings can be found at https://www.westville.k12.ok.us/o/district/page/enrollment-information--81
over 4 years ago, Jodi Simmons
Elementary Supply Lists for the 2020-2021 school year are now available on the school website!
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
Westville schools will be on channel 8 at 6pm.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Parents, we are extending the date in which you need to make a decision on full time virtual for your student. We will extend it until August 10. We plan on starting school on August 20 but we may be on a modified schedule. More details will follow when we get the latest update from the State on Friday.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
The Westville School Board accepted the recommendation to make mandatory face coverings for any person inside a school building including athletes. We must take an aggressive approach to mask wearing if we want to be able to attend school regularly and participate in athletics. More updates to come on our Return to Learn Plan.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
We are still in the process of planning and we will have more information about Elementary Supply Lists by August 1st. Sorry for any inconvenience or confusion this has caused.
over 4 years ago, Westville Elementary
After a zoom meeting today with the SDE and Superintendent Hofmeister, Westville schools will be re working and making changes to our Return to Learn Plan. The SDE has several recommendations for schools based on the number of cases in our county. We will still offer the same delivery methods but with changes to the mask policy for students. The mask policy will be based on SDE guidance provided. We will issue our revised plan early next week after gathering information from the SDE and the State board meeting. Thank you for your patience and understanding as things change very quickly.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville Public Schools will begin requiring a face covering for any person in the buildings on Monday, July 27. Coverings maybe removed if you are working in your classroom or work area alone. When 2 or more people are together in an area a face covering must be worn. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
As we put out our Return to Learn plan last week we know that you may have many questions. We are asking that parents and patrons please email your questions to the building level principal of your student. If you have a general question you may email Terry Heustis at theustis@westville.k12.ok.us Pk-2 kedwards@westville.k12.ok.us 3-6 ycummings@westville.k12.ok.us 7-9 kyeager@westville.k12.ok.us 10-12 scooper@westville.k12.ok.us
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Westville - Return to Learn Plan Follow this link to learn about our plan to return to school for the 20-21 school year. Everything to get us started should be covered. https://5il.co/ie9s
over 4 years ago, Westville Public Schools
Return to Learn
Westville teachers and staff please take a moment to fill out the survey connected to the link below by Sunday, July 12th. This information will assist us in planning the upcoming school year. Thank you https://forms.gle/xVjdf25axQijRLFLA
over 4 years ago, Kevin Yeager
Parents of Westville students please take time to complete the survey connected to the link below by Sunday, July 12th. This information will be used to assist in planning the upcoming school year. Thank you https://forms.gle/3otBKZeUJ2i1xo2P7
over 4 years ago, Kevin Yeager
Westville Schools will be sending a survey for parents and a separate survey for teachers and staff. Please take the time to fill out these surveys so that we can judge our needs to start school this August. We have been working on several options for students and we need feedback to help finishing our plan. More information will be sent next week.
over 4 years ago, Terry Heustis
Students who will be in 7th or 8th grade during the upcoming school year. Please use the links below to choose your electives. 7th Grade - https://forms.gle/7TCGjUCPDj1xbhGE9 8th Grade - https://forms.gle/yXoefaqx6F4hU8SH8
over 4 years ago, Westville Public Schools